Friday, December 26, 2008

I just...

quit my job.

There's a story in it, I promise.

and it all started with some cocktail sauce.

But for now, I will enjoy my self-given day off. :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

No call no show

means termination.
Well, apparently not to the senior citizens I work with and work for.
I guess when a nasty middle-aged man whom all these LOVELY ladies find attractive doesn't show up or call five days,
it only makes sense to keep him on the schedule
because it couldn't possibly be his fault.

pffft. loser.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

We have been through 5 line cooks in less than 5 weeks.
The new cook: "too old to take downstairs". LOL.

I guess you won't get it,
but the super old waitress totally wants to do him.
I guess the 30 year age difference is standing in the way... I'm sorry, I mean 27 years!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas time is here...

The one waitress and I organized secret santa for work.
This should go over.. interestingly. :)