Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quick update on the upchance I'll salvage what's left of this pathetic piece of my life.

I'm working at an amusement park in a very popular food stand.
My other job... prep cook at a chain restaurant, yes a restaurant, not fast food.
I'll give you a clue...yum.

I plan to update this soon.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

So I have an interview at retaurant #1.
Yep, the first restaurant I worked in.
We'll see how this spins.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New job.

Big amusement park.
and where am I working?

Food and Beverage. go fucking figure. haha.
Also, reapplied at the first restaurant I ever worked at.

This will not be the last of me. :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

post secret.

I love Post Secret.
But my job wasn't so bad.

Anyways, I have an interview at an amusement park on Saturday.
Weird, but I'm sure I'll be sucked into food once again and free to write of the antics.