..might just lead to a food fight of sorts.
Yesterday, Chelsea Clinton visited my college campus.
Being a very liberal democrat, I stood in line for a few hours and managed to be in second row.
The experience was something I decided to share with my co-workers.
This in-turn brought up some disturbing and very ignorant views on politics that I didn't even realize people thought about.
So, let me just begin by saying, yes, I am a Democrat, but I'm very open because I'm fond of Ron Paul as well.
Mentioning this at work led to most people I work with asking me, "Who is Ron Paul?". Wow, that's pathetic. No offense, if you are not aware of who he is. Google him, and perhaps you will gain some insight.
Anyways, my mention of seeing Chelsea Clinton at school led to numerous discussions and questions...
"Is Chelsea the one with the green teeth? I know she has green teeth." No, she does not have green freaking teeth, thanks.
"Those Democrats, I can't even vote for them." Pfft, why not?
Intellectual thoughts on Hillary by my co-workers.
"Her eyes are all buggy".
"She is a woman"
"Her husband cheated on her"
"She just wants power"
Okay, so these are somewhat typical, but the Obama conversation really got me fired up.
"I don't trust him. You know he is Muslim?"
"Yeah, and they want a terrorist to be President"
"The country is going to be blown up before we know it!"
My thoughts:
How fucking racist are you?
He's been in these elected positions before.
For Christ's sake, he's a senator.
He for surely would have blown up the place by now.
All I say is, he is an American you know?
and they tell me about all of his ties as if they are government spies and they know him front to back.
This is my cue to leave.
The only candidate they have left to vote for is John McCain, who we might as well call the-hundred-years-war-man, or George Bush III.
but hey since they think they can do a better job, maybe they can write themselves in and establish a .000002% vote for themselves. Of course, this number would be a lot less, but you get my drift.
I hope you enjoyed your side dish for the day.