Monday, March 17, 2008

Behind the Scenes..

The special for today is having no customers for two hours,
with a side of boredom. Your beverage is not included.

Restaurants have down time, and then they have "dead time" in which no customers come in. My boss constantly told me, "there's plenty to do".This plenty includes cleaning, prepping, re-stocking, more cleaning... So then what?

These pictures were from back in the day, a restaurant I've been working at since 2004.
Keep in mind, I was only 16 years old at this time...

This is me and a dishwasher attempting to imitate a pretty crappy movie:
I think we did a fair job. =)

And this one is a dishbin race; we basically moved at the pace of the song Rowboat by Emily Haines. Haha.

so, there's a new restaurant perspective for you.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

So that's what happens behind the scenes of a restaurant....FUN! =)