Wednesday, June 4, 2008


What a relief it is to get out of the damn weeds!
But what happens in downtime?

Well, after all of the stress is gone and the mess is cleaned up we help the dishwasher. but after that?

We tend to act like eight year olds on a summer day.
COOK 1 takes a water bottle and squirts water at me. When I finally get ahold of the bottle, and squirt at him he fills a bin with water.
COOK 1: "I'll dump it"
ME: You will not!
COOK 1 proceeds to dump it on me. I get him back and he gets the dish hose and squirts it at me.

Dishwasher mops the floor, and we of course get in trouble.
Why? Because he "made me wet" as the manager joked, but the owner was less than thrilled.
We're not supposed to work together and we must leave after our shifts so we don't "hang out".

At least I'm not going downstairs with the kid!
Oh, and I have this picture of a ROUND EGG. It's like a turtle egg. I'll talk about this later, my friend, oh and that movie of course.

Meanwhile, go watch it. It's called WAITING.
Oh, and I also want to talk about Hell's Kitchen which I was watching today!


Anonymous said...

Owner's ruin all the fun. LVC is really boring this summer, so I'm watching a lot of movies. Also, glad to hear you enjoyed "Waiting."

Anonymous said...

I am using the most recent list (the 10th Anniversary one) I had only seen 17 of them when I had started. I'm up to 30 now.