Thursday, June 12, 2008


So recent events and my 5 signs your manager is quitting post inspire this one.

5 signs your manager is screwing you over:

1. She "gets hurt at work" but doesn't get worker's compensation or go to the doctor until four months later.
2. She takes free food for her and her husband (who no longer works there) and uses the take out number to put in orders (so she doesn't have to pay taxes).
3. She cuts her hours to the point that she takes a whole week off.
4. She stops doing her job (includes calling people off/into work, scheduling, coming into work to relieve the owner, et cetera) and refuses to hold a meeting.
5. She comes into work for the last of her things and tells the owner, she is done until further notice.

So after she left and the manager told me she said that, all I had to say was, duh.
It wasn't appreciated.

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