You know those credit card commercials where the people are flying through lines and the person who goes to write a check or pay with cash slows down the line.
Well at the restaurant, it's the waitresses who slow down the credit card process.
Yesterday, while in class, my phone rings.
Restaurant #1 has a line at the cash register.
We have computer-like cash registers.
None of the managers, waitresses, or additional staff know how to fix a credit card slip. They overcharged.
If you can't figure out how to fix it, then refund the customers.
It was only four dollars.
Meanwhile, the line won't be so backed up.
Then they called back to ask again about the register.
I'm a line cook, not a cashier.
Learn how to do it yourself!
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Just buy the restaurant and simply fire everyone and be done with it. But, then again, you wouldn't have anything to write about. Forget it. Keep the blog and your job.
Oh, man! I felt so bad for you! Nobody ever calls me for stuff like that, thank goodness! Your coworkers seem very dependent on you! That must get really annoying!
where are you where are you where are you?!
i need some of these posts to keep me going!
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