Monday, April 7, 2008

on the line..

Today, I don't want to share how the waitress dropped table 7's food right in front of them. I don't want to ramble on about how my boss can't flip eggs.

I'm going to be a little more serious, and let you in on my life.. just a little.
Okay, so this summer I worked 40-50 hour weeks.
Through this, you get a lot closer to your co-workers, sometimes too close.

I had a thing, more than a thing, call it whatever with one of the cooks.
Oh, he had a girlfriend who also worked there, oops.
Even when I came to college, he would visit basically every day and pick me up just to hang out.
He eventually quit the job, and expected me to do the same.
I couldn't compromise my job for him, and eventually the visits became fewer and farther between.
I felt really empty for awhile.
I guess I'm over it now, but sometimes thinking about it makes me cringe.

So yeah, that was harder than it should have been to type, but in all seriousness, the waitress did drop two pork and sauerkrauts in front of the table and my boss cannot flip eggs on the grill.

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